Powered by the Disabled American Veterans
Department of Massachusetts
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Michael Dyer of Local 5-50 Sprinkler Fitters
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An Interview with Cadet Daphne Spunt
This episode of the Great American Heroes Podcast was recorded at the 2024 DAV 5K Boston at Fort Independence on Castle Island in South Boston. Isaiah talked with Cadet Daphne Spunt of the Massachusetts Bay Division of the Sea Cadets. The two talked about what the Cadets do with the DAV, the importance of the DAV 5K Boston for our veterans, and what the military means to Cadet Spunt. Enjoy . . .
DAV Services
How is service connection determined?
DAV MA Launches Great American Hero Podcast
Listen in to our first two episodes.We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Great American Heroes Podcast! We will be featuring various supporters of the Disabled American Veterans program to discover more about the program itself and the fine people who are the...
DAV MA Launches New Website
4 JUNE 2023: For immediate release. As part of our continued and relentless pursuit to deliver exceptional service, the Disabled American Veterans Department of Massachusetts, (DAV MA), has launched a new website. For more than 100 years, DAV MA has been a strong and...
What Are You Waiting For?
Thanks to dedicated members across the nation, the DAV programs are far-reaching and the personal rewards fulfilling. Our members are diverse in their interests which is what has made the DAV so successful. Foremost in our hearts is the goal of assuring benefit entitlement and compassion for our disabled veterans.