DAV operates a fleet of vehicles across the country to provide free transportation to VA medical facilities for veterans of all eras. You do not need to have a disability rating or be a DAV member to access the Transportation Network.
DAV stepped in to help veterans get the care they need when the Federal Government terminated its program that helped many of them pay for transportation to and from medical facilities. The vehicles are driven by volunteers, and the rides are coordinated by more than 150 Hospital Service Coordinators (HSC) around the country.
Since the program’s inception in 1987, DAV Departments and Chapters have donated 3,763 vehicles and Ford Motor Co. has donated 264 vehicles at a cost of more than $96 million.
“I’m retired and decided I wanted to do some kind of volunteer work. I’ve always respected our veterans and our military. I went to the VA medical center, did a ride-along and decided it looked like fun. I really enjoy being with the vets. It’s my way of saying thank you, and the veterans really appreciate the service we provide.”
– Jim, DAV Transportation Network volunteer driver
“I am retired military. I wanted to give back to the community, and what a better way then to volunteer my time driving fellow veterans to their VA Medical appointments. The best part is I get to choose my own schedule. No veteran left behind!”
-Phil, USAF Veteran
The DAV Department of Massachusetts currently has 32 vehicles outposted across the state so volunteers can access a DAV vehicle to transport veterans. Volunteers are sent a monthly calendar and select the rides that work within their schedule. If you would like to volunteer to become a DAV Transportation Network Driver, please contact us at HSC@davma.org or simply click the ‘volunteer now’ button below to get started.
Since our inception in 1987 Transportation Network volunteers in Massachusetts have driven over 10,669,000 miles, transported over 282,500 veterans, and volunteered over 760,000 hours.
DAV is required to report volunteer hours to Congress, watchdog groups, members and donors.
Volunteers that donate their time to DAV become eligible for the Volunteer Recognition Program.
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